Friday, September 05, 2008

Bristol Palin's choice

Bristol Palin has made the decision to have her baby, but Samantha Bee tries to remember another word for it.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Former POW Says McCain Is "Not Cut Out to be President"

John McCain has been exploiting his POW experience every chance he gets. He has used this story to justify everything from not knowing how many homes he has to his healthcare plan to his taste in music. But now a veteran who was a prisoner with McCain in Vietnam is explaining loud and clear that being a POW does not qualify McCain to lead.

read more | digg story

Monday, September 01, 2008

"He is in worse shape than everyone thought."

WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ: Well, it was a good one then [Palin's no Hillary Clinton line] and it's appropriate and applicable now. Hillary Clinton has 35 years of public service. Sarah Palin has been Governor of a State that is smaller than my Congressional district for less than 18 months. I just don't know how John McCain thinks that this is a person who is going to be ready to be Commander in Chief with her hand on the tiller of America's foreign policy in the event that, God forbid, anything happens to him.

SANCHEZ: Here's why - two words - evangelical vote. Don't you think that would be a smart move or [unintelligible]?

WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ: If he has to shore up the evangelical vote then he is in worse shape than everyone thought.

Way to go Congresswoman Wasserman-Shultz... You nailed it!