Monday, July 02, 2007

Gus Bilirakis, Scooter Libby and true lies

How do you spell hypocrite?

G-u-s B-i-l-i-r-a-k-i-s!

No brainer on this one.

I predict that Gus Bilirakis will flip-flop as he sticks his nose further up the Bush Administration's butt on this one.

Bush just handed Scooter Libby a "Stay out of jail free card." Let's just see where Gus Bilirakis lands. Will it be on the side of the rule of law? Is it "simply wrong to reward unlawful behavior with amnesty?"


Is it wrong to lie to protect the people who took our country to war via deliberate false pretenses AKA lies?

And how cowardly is it to not even announce this "Stay out of jail free card." in person?

Bush, the Cowardly Lion!

He knew that he had to unload this "free poor Libby crap" when the Daily Show and Colbert Report were on vacation.

I call them chickens!